
A day filled with cheer in the heart
You know that it will remain a part
So make the most of your smile
And you enjoy this day all the while
Good Morning is all I wish to say
So that you have a lovely day
Good Morning to you!

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Perhaps rebirth may not be possible but another truth is that we all get numerous chances to make this one life meaningful and worth. Every day comes with many opportunities and chances. Let us make use of each and every day and the opportunity it comes with. Good Morning and God bless. Have a nice day ahead.

Always start your day with a smile,
It will create an impression of happiness,
So, mornings are for staying happy,
Because of a new day,
Have a lovely morning,
And a good day!

3 steps to have a great morning, open your eyes, take a deep breath and go back to sleep. Good Morning.

I know that first thing in the
Morning you want to open your eyes
Check your phone for that wonderful
Message that says good morning
So here is I am to make your day,
As I just want to say
That have a lovely day
Good Morning to you!

A new spark in the air,
Look around and everywhere,
Can you hear that awesome noise ?
Chirping birds and all the voice,
The sun also shining all bright,
So, forget all your fright and cheer,
Good morning my dear!

Look beyond the things that matter
Look beyond things that you do
For another bright day is waiting for you
Another chance where you can prove
That things are better this way
Have your say to be perfect all the way
Have your say so that you get a chance
Wishing you a lovely Good Morning
Have a nice day!

Before the whole world goes off to sleep again, before the moon makes a re-visit, please get up and at least for once have a look at how beautiful mornings can be. Good Morning and have a wonderful day ahead.