
My morning will become sweeter now,
Because I have just sent a wish to the most,
Sweetest person I know,
So, have a lovely morning and keep smiling,
Start your day afresh!

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When the morning is here,
Feel fresh because it's a new day,
Be free spirited and have your say,
Because morning is for new dawn,
Let go of things that are gone,
Good morning!

Good morning my dear friend,
May you have a lovely day!
You are in my thoughts and prayers,
Every single day,
So, keep smiling like this,
Because you look so good,
Good morning!

Good morning to you my dear,
May your day start with a good cheer,
May you get want you want from heart!
For that awesome and perfect start,
Have a lovely day ahead!

A new day brings in new hope in life,
There would be many struggles and strive,
But, you will reach where you want to,
A very good morning to you!

Ah! What a lovely morning it is,
Just see outside for a while,
It can be a tad better,
With your beautiful smile,
Good morning to you,
Have a nice day!

Good morning to you my dear,
Leave aside all your fear,
Because new day brings in new hope,
And, yes a lot and lots of good cheer,
Good morning!

A good morning message from a loved one didn't just randomly pop into your inbox. It means that you are remembered and very lovely thought about first in the morning. Good morning to you.