We used to chat a lot on Skype because we had a long distance relationship. But Skype only became the reason for our breakup. After my college, I got a good job and shifted my place. He used to come to my place once in three months. Face time or Skype was the only thing that kept us connected. But something was not so right about this relationship. I started hiding things from him and he also started doing the same. We used to chat daily on a video call, but slowly that also stopped. From daily chat sessions to once in a week and then a month!

It was clear that we were falling out of love. There was no meaning to our relationship. One day he called me up through video chat and told me it is better to breakup because there is an awkward silence between us. I had no choice but to agree on this and we broke up through a video call. So, some love stories are not meant to be forever.