From Ludwig Van Beethoven to an unidentified “IMMORTAL BELOVED” (1812)“Even in bed my ideas yearn towards you, my Immortal Beloved, here and there joyfully, then again sadly, awaiting from Fate, whether it will listen to us. I can only live, either altogether with you or not at all. Yes, I have determined to wander about for so long, far away, until I can fly into your arms and call myself quite at home with you, can send my soul enveloped by yours into the realm of spirits - yes, I regret, it must be. You will get over it all the more as you know my faithfulness to you; never another one can own my heart, never - never! O God, why must one go away from what one loves so, and yet my life in W. as it is now is a miserable life. Your love made me the happiest and unhappiest at the same time. At my actual age I should need some continuity, sameness of life - can that exist under our circumstances? Angel, I just hear that the post goes out every day - and must close therefore, so that you get the L. at once. Be calm - love me - today - yesterday. What longing in tears for you - You - my Life - my All - farewell. Oh, go on loving me - never doubt the faithfullest heart of your beloved Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours.”

Ernest Hemingway (American Novelist) to Mary Welsh, April 16, 1945 “Dearest Pickle, So now I’m going out on the boat with Paxthe and Don Andres and Gregorio and stay out all day and then come in and will be sure there will be letters or a letter. And maybe there will be. If there aren’t I’ll be a sad s.o.a.b. But you know how you handle that of course? You last through until the next morning. I suppose I’d better figure on there being nothing until tomorrow night and then it won’t be so bad tonight. Please write me Pickle. If it were a job you had to do you’d do it. It’s tough as hell without you and I’m doing it straight but I miss you so [I] could die. If anything happened to you I’d die the way an animal will die in the Zoo if something happens to his mate. Much love my dearest Mary and know I’m not impatient. I’m just desperate. Ernest”