
Each new day brings in new challenges in life,
Each new day it is important to be prepared for those challenges,
A lovely morning to you,
Have a nice day!

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Smile is so powerful,
That it has the ability to melt any heart
So, keep smiling and keep winning hearts!
Good Morning!

Be happy as it's a new day today
Smile as you have many reasons to stay
Smile as it will bring in a new cheer
When you will have all the reasons oh dear
It's a wonderful day today
A wonderful way to start the day
Good Morning to you
Have a day so filled and new!

God gave us two ears to hear. He gave two legs to walk, two hands to work, two eyes to see. But he gave us only one brain, and it is when I am with you I realize that one brain is not good enough for all. Good Morning.

Ah, it is such a pretty day
Look out from your window today
Feel the fresh air and be all
Good in whatever you do
This day will be bright and
This day will be wonderful for you
Good Morning and have a lovely day
May God bless you!

This morning, stop staying back in bed and dreaming of things that you can achieve by waking up. Good morning.

Another night has gone,
Another day is here,
Another day to get it right,
So let go of your fear,
Wish you a lovely morning!

Hope is a fuel for life and to carry on with the journey and struggle accompanying it. Let not your hope die and your heart feel sad. Cherish the day with the biggest smile on your face. Good Morning. Have a wonderful day ahead.