Morning fun starts with a smile
When you experience it all the while
It starts with aspirations in your heart
For that one perfect start
So have a lovely perfect morning today
Look it's a lovely day
Wishing you good morning for today!
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May your day with filled with wonderful moments to make you happy and wonderful people to share in your joy. A very good morning to you!
Today is a gift to you, just like you are a gift to me. I am glad that you are a part of my life. Good morning.
Never give up anything till the end. If you succeed then it would be a blessing and if not then it is just a start, so do not give up. Good Morning and have an awesome day ahead. God bless you.
Morning gives a new reason
To fulfill all your dreams
It gives you a break to do
All the things that you left in the past
Do the things that you love doing
That would make your morning good
Feel wonderful this morning
Wishing you good morning!
Everyone goes through difficult and testing times. Don't be egoistic and stubborn. Instead work your way through with a positive mind and a strong heart. Understand that this is life's way of polishing up your rough edges to make you shine like a diamond soon. Good morning to you. Have a lovely day ahead.
Feel fresh as freshness is so new
Morning gives energy so new
You feel so positive and so good
You feel that vibe in you
Looking at that shining sun
That gives the light all through
Morning is special as you
Good morning to you!
Everything falling apart is a sign that something new is about to build up. Good morning.