
Mornings are bright as you are
Feel good as this day
Is going to be so perfect every way
Feel good as this day is new
You will do things you want too
Morning will more pleasant for you
Wishing a lovely morning to you
Good morning to you!

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Gone is tomorrow, today is here, achievements to be accomplished, nothing to fear. Get up and hit the world with a new zeal to grab it all in a go. A very Good Morning to you. Have an awesome day ahead.

It is a lovely day as you are
So lovely my dear
Look the sun is shining bright
Look at the positive side
Life will be great for you
If you accept what is your fate
Have a lovely day ahead
Wishing you Good morning for today!

Wandering around the wind just found a person so fit but sleeping tight. Want to know who is the one? It is you my dear lazy bum. Now please make a move and get up. Good Morning and have a moving grooving day ahead.

A new spark in the air,
Look around and everywhere,
Can you hear that awesome noise ?
Chirping birds and all the voice,
The sun also shining all bright,
So, forget all your fright and cheer,
Good morning my dear!

This morning, stop staying back in bed and dreaming of things that you can achieve by waking up. Good morning.

God gave us two ears to hear. He gave two legs to walk, two hands to work, two eyes to see. But he gave us only one brain, and it is when I am with you I realize that one brain is not good enough for all. Good Morning.

May you wake up this morning refreshed as ever. May your day be just as wonderful as your smile at the moment. And may you be showered with lots and lots of love and attention all day long. Good morning to you.