Morning cheer brings in a new energy
When you feel so vibrant and lovely
There are new ways to do things
New horizons to see in the day
Stay positive and I wish that
You may have a lovely day
Yes a lovely morning today
Wishing you a lovely morning..Good morning!
Other Popular Motivational Good Morning Messages
Don't be sad when things go wrong
For there is light after the dark
Wait for your moment of being true
Wait for that one bright spark
Do not be sad if things aren't working,
They will one day for sure,
Just believe and follow your heart
You will surely reach that part
Good morning to you
For a day so new!
You need to unlock your dreams for the day,
The unsaid desires for today,
Because there is only one life per say,
So, live it your way,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Have a nice day!
Never stop loving people in life,
Because what you give is what you get,
Feel blessed because you have everything,
So, stop running behind anything,
And thank the Lord,
Have a beautiful morning,
Good morning!
In life, look for someone who will not let problems come your way,
Rather than looking for someone who will create them,
Stay alert,
Good morning to you,
Have a nice day!
When there is darkness all around,
When there is, love not surround,
Believe in the power of your prayer
Believe in the power of God,
For Almighty will show you the way
Brightened will be your each day
Just stay happy in life
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!
When your mind is weak,
Just tell your mind to be strong and have hope,
Because hope says that hold on and pain ends,
Good morning!
Dream big as it is another day
A day when you can spread the cheer
A new day will bring in lot of smiles
A day when you can start with a new prayer
And see good things that are going to come your way
Coz today is the start of another new day
Wish you a lovely good morning!
Have an amazing day!