
Morning is more radiant
When I see your lovely face
It is more radiant
With that super loving grace
Morning is lovely when you
Have that pretty smile
So happy morning to you oh dear
For being so lovely all the way,
Good Morning for today!

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Attitude makes all the difference in life,
If you keep smiling,
Then people will talk to you,
If you keep crying,
Then they wouldn't,
So keep smiling!
Good Morning!

A happy morning gives you another,
Reason to stay happy and smile,
So begin your day with your a new cheer,
Have an awesome day my dear,
Wish you a lovely morning ahead,
Good morning!

Good morning as it's a new day
Feel the energy of the time
It's a day when you will get to see
All the things that are destined
Accept whatever comes along
You have to be determined and strong
Wishing you a lovely Morning
Good Morning to you!

Life is not lived in the past, neither is it lived wandering in future. Life is for today, and it is today. Live it, love it, see it, and show how capable you are of everything you wish to achieve. Good Morning and have a beautiful day ahead. Have fun.

What a lovely sight it is
When it feels so fresh for the day
That hot coffee on the table
Breezy air coming your way
Things will get too fine
You just know that it is your day
It is the amazing morning time
Wishing you good morning!

Wandering around the wind just found a person so fit but sleeping tight. Want to know who is the one? It is you my dear lazy bum. Now please make a move and get up. Good Morning and have a moving grooving day ahead.

Morning time is beautiful,
It makes you forget everything that is on your mind,
There is a new wave, energy, and spirit,
Mornings are surely wonderful,
Wish you a lovely morning!