
Start your day with the bright sunlight
When you will see along the light
When your day will have a spark
When you will give a reason to cheer
So have a good time oh dear
For it will be another day filled with light
Good Morning to you oh dear
Have a happy day along!

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Morning is like a blank canvas of life,
Each day you have a new opportunity to paint it,
With your favorite colors, so fill in yours,
Wish you a lovely morning!

May you wake up this morning refreshed as ever. May your day be just as wonderful as your smile at the moment. And may you be showered with lots and lots of love and attention all day long. Good morning to you.

Go out and spread your cheer, joy and love to all those around. Fulfill this day with their smiles and your satisfaction. Good Morning and have a beautiful day ahead.

God gave us two ears to hear. He gave two legs to walk, two hands to work, two eyes to see. But he gave us only one brain, and it is when I am with you I realize that one brain is not good enough for all. Good Morning.

Life gives us new meanings each day,
Some are there to stay,
But, with a smile on face,
Everything gets ok,
So keep smiling!
Have a good morning!

This morning may you be infected by the virus of positivity, success and good luck. Here is wishing you a very happy and memorable day.

Cuckoo singing on your window,
Get up and hear the tune,
If you are still the sleepy head,
Get yourself a sip of tea,
Wake up all bright and see,
The beautiful morning is here,
Wish you good morning!