
Morning by itself signifies a new beginning. So this morning start by forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you made yesterday and look forward to a promising day that lies ahead of you. Have a good morning!

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Good morning my lovely it's a new day
So have that smile on your face
Find your reasons for loving grace
You will have a reason to rejoice
You will have a reason to say
A very Good Morning for today
Have a lovely day!

I know that first thing in the
Morning you want to open your eyes
Check your phone for that wonderful
Message that says good morning
So here is I am to make your day,
As I just want to say
That have a lovely day
Good Morning to you!

God gave us two ears to hear. He gave two legs to walk, two hands to work, two eyes to see. But he gave us only one brain, and it is when I am with you I realize that one brain is not good enough for all. Good Morning.

Before the whole world goes off to sleep again, before the moon makes a re-visit, please get up and at least for once have a look at how beautiful mornings can be. Good Morning and have a wonderful day ahead.

Morning is more radiant
When I see your lovely face
It is more radiant
With that super loving grace
Morning is lovely when you
Have that pretty smile
So happy morning to you oh dear
For being so lovely all the way,
Good Morning for today!

A smile is contagious. Keep spreading the disease all through your day. Good morning to you.

Your toothbrush, soap and everything else are shouting loud and disturbing me also. So please get up and make your morning good buddy. Have a wonderful day ahead.