
Today kick start your day with a big broad genuine smile. Come on, show life how optimistic you can be! Have an excellent morning.

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Morning tip: There cannot be a better exercise in the morning then starting off with a big broad smile. Good morning to you.

This morning may you be infected by the virus of positivity, success and good luck. Here is wishing you a very happy and memorable day.

God gave us two ears to hear. He gave two legs to walk, two hands to work, two eyes to see. But he gave us only one brain, and it is when I am with you I realize that one brain is not good enough for all. Good Morning.

Ah, it is such a pretty day
Look out from your window today
Feel the fresh air and be all
Good in whatever you do
This day will be bright and
This day will be wonderful for you
Good Morning and have a lovely day
May God bless you!

I know that first thing in the
Morning you want to open your eyes
Check your phone for that wonderful
Message that says good morning
So here is I am to make your day,
As I just want to say
That have a lovely day
Good Morning to you!

Start your day with the bright sunlight
When you will see along the light
When your day will have a spark
When you will give a reason to cheer
So have a good time oh dear
For it will be another day filled with light
Good Morning to you oh dear
Have a happy day along!

Forget all your worries and sorrow,
Leave behind the tomorrow,
Coz today is the new day,
Coz today is the new daylight,
So feel this pleasant and wonderful sight,
Good morning and have a nice day!