A good morning message from a loved one didn't just randomly pop into your inbox. It means that you are remembered and very
lovely thought about first in the morning. Good morning to you.
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Remove your blanket, get up from your bed, brush your teeth and now say eeeeee... Good!! Now check out the world outside so flamboyant and colorful. Good Morning and have a beautiful day ahead.
My morning will become sweeter now,
Because I have just sent a wish to the most,
Sweetest person I know,
So, have a lovely morning and keep smiling,
Start your day afresh!
Open your eyes and see all around,
What can you see?
What do you want to see?
Get up and go for your bath,
Always want to waste your time,
Lol:) Good morning!
All the birds are up by now and all the people are already working then why are you still in bed? Start your day fast with a big smile. Good Morning and have a nice day.
Hey! Look at the time,
Get up soon,
Coz morning is not going to wait for the noon,
Lol..Wish you a lovely morning,
Have a great day ahead!
Lovely morning wishes,
To the lovely person I know,
With love for you my honey,
I love and will love you more,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Have an awesome day ahead,
Lots of hugs and kisses!
Good morning to you. Rise and shine, it is a beautiful morning. Actually it is not and I can way too sleepy. So continue to
Rise and shine without me. Good night!