
The most amazing part about mornings is, knowing that I have someone who is waiting for me to wake up. I am so happy that you are a part of my life. Good morning my dear.

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A new day brings in lots of new things
New feel and new aspirations,
New choices you make in life
And new hope to end the strive
So embrace the morning and smile
Make your day happy all the while
Good morning to you!

Never saw a smile as cute as yours. So get up now and make everyone around fall for your smile with every minute and every second. Good Morning and have a good day ahead. God bless you.

Years from now, you will wish that you started today. Don't wait for tomorrow, today is the day to work towards something you want tomorrow. Good morning.

May you see the great things that this day is offering you and may you learn to make the most out of them. Have a wonderful morning.

It's a lovely morning
See the sun is shining so bright
Go and make your own way
You know that you have a bright light
Focus on things you want
And you will have everything to flaunt
Wishing you a very Good morning!

Often people with the worst pasts end up with the best futures. Always trust yourself. Good morning. Have an amazing day.

When talking about things you don't have, if you are referring to materialistic things, then you absolutely have no idea what blessings are all about. Good morning.