
Some things don't change

Some things don't change in life,
It remains the same,
But, a new day gives you a reason,
To put behind the blame,
And do what you always desire,
And, have a way to reach that higher,
So, all the best,
Have a good day!

Other Popular Good Day Poems


Clear blue sky

Oh what a clear blue sky,
Watch out for that high,
The sun is shining at its peak,
There are so many wishful things to seek,
Because it is the start of a new day,
So, gear up and make your way,
Have a lovely day!

It's a new day

Yesterday is gone,
No point in thinking about it,
The future is also uncertain in bits,
So, live for today as it's a new day,
A new destination and a new way,
Wish you have a lovely day,
Have a great start today!

The Best Mornings

The best mornings are those,
When we wake up to know,
That the ones who love us,
Love us more today.
And will continue being there,
To brighten up your day.
They will never leave your side,
Through storms or tide.
They will always shower you with there care,
No matter whatever the world has to say.
Good Day to you dear.

What a pretty day

What a pretty day it is,
And what a pretty sight,
Leave aside what will happen tomorrow,
Leave all your fright,
Embrace this new day today,
As it will help you make your way,
So, keep smiling,
Have a good day!

A new dawn

A new day is all about new beginning in life,
It is the way you need to strive,
A new day brings a new hope,
A new day brings a new scope,
So, start your day with a smile,
To root for that extra mile,
Have a lovely day!

It's a good day

Don't let that smile fade away,
Because it's a new day,
Forget what happened yesterday,
Coz today is a pleasant day,
Cherish it with all your heart,
For making that beautiful start,
Have a good day!

Not each day is the same

Not each day is the same
So why do we always have the blame
New day brings in a lot new
Where you would decide in the two
New day will get a message so long
It could be the journey furlong
Stay positive about the day
You will surely make a way
Your life will be good from here
Wishing you a happiest day my dear
With lots of good luck your way
Have a good day!