
The sun that is bright

The sun is shining all bright and new,
There is something fresh in the dew,
Something which states the feeling of the heart,
For getting that perfect start,
For the day so bright and new,
Get up and get going for today,
Coz it's just another wonderful day,
Good morning to you!

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What a lovely day

Ah! What a lovely morning it is
Open your window and see
The clear blue sky
And the cool wind on your face
Telling you that you have that grace
And confidence to win over anything you want
So start your day with confidence
So that you can flaunt
Anything that you want to
Have a lovely day
Good morning!

Welcome the Rays!

A new sunrise and a new day,
Get up from your bed,
Do what you feel and have your say,
Forget what happened tomorrow,
That was your past,
A new day has a new story and cast,
My lovely morning wishes to you,
May you stay blessed with this day so new!

The birds that sing

The birds sing in the morning,
To pep up your day and make you feel so good,
The clear blue skies and the wind,
I wish I could,
Just come to you and hug you tight,
Then you would feel all bright,
For now, good morning wish from me,
May you be able to see,
All the wonderful glee,
Good morning to you!

Freshen Up Your Mind

Freshen up your mind,
Cause it is morning time.
It is a chance for a brand new start,
So work hard and do your part.

Morning lifts up your soul

Morning lifts up your spirit
Makes you feel so right in light
Morning has a new charm
To make you feel so bright
The sun when shines all out
Brings a message of happiness around
For all the wok left undone yesterday
For all the reasons of being strong
Morning brings in a new phase
Where you can do what you wish for
Morning cheer brings in smile
Feel its vibe and feel all right
Wishing you a bright morning for the day
Good morning for today!

It is a pleasant morning to see

It's a pleasant morning, see out of the window
You will feel brighter in the day
Make all your wishes come true
The sun is shining at the bay
The flowers are blooming for you
That sparrow on your window
Giving you the light of the day
Your spirit is up so get up high
Look at the bright and wonderful sky
Things will go according to you
You will not feel bad and blue
Everything will be playful according to you
Because its wonderful day and new
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!

Don't regret the time

Don't regret this day
Don't regret this time
Its start of another day
And end of the night time
Morning time is the time to think
About your task for the day
You have to prepare for it now
To make the most of the day
Have a super bright time today
Good morning and have nice day!