
Never have any regret of yesterday,
Because it is gone,
Always get inspired on a new day,
Because it will help you get on your way,
So stay positive and keep smiling,
Wish you a lovely morning!

Other Popular Motivational Good Morning Messages


Each day is new,
Each day is raw,
Forget what you did or saw,
Because new day brings new cheer,
A very good morning to you my dear,
Have a nice day!

Life is too short,
So don't dwell on the past,
Do things you wish to do,
Take this day to be so new,
Give your best shot,
Wish you a good morning,
Have a nice day!

Never stop loving people in life,
Because what you give is what you get,
Feel blessed because you have everything,
So, stop running behind anything,
And thank the Lord,
Have a beautiful morning,
Good morning!

Every new day make a resolution for the day,
That you will keep smiling in every situation,
That you will strive come what may,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Good morning!

When your mind is weak,
Just tell your mind to be strong and have hope,
Because hope says that hold on and pain ends,
Good morning!

When there is darkness all around,
When there is, love not surround,
Believe in the power of your prayer
Believe in the power of God,
For Almighty will show you the way
Brightened will be your each day
Just stay happy in life
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!

A morning is perfect start to plan
It's a new day you must understand
A new horizon to spread your wings
A new way of seeing all things
So, start afresh with a cup of tea
Morning is blissful and it gives you glee
Wishing a very good morning to you!