
The sun that shines so bright

The birds there up the sky,
Looking lovely flying high,
The sun that shines so bright,
Makes you forget that fright,
Because new day brings in a lot,
So, start with a positive thought,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Good morning!

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Don't regret the time

Don't regret this day
Don't regret this time
Its start of another day
And end of the night time
Morning time is the time to think
About your task for the day
You have to prepare for it now
To make the most of the day
Have a super bright time today
Good morning and have nice day!

Good Morning Sunshine

As the morning clouds gently wake you up,
And your favourite steaming coffee beside you in a cup.
So blissful and serene is the morning,
The breeze and the sights leave you admiring.
Today is fresh and new,
Just like the early morning dew.

Morning brings in a new light

Morning brings in a new glory
When your heart speaks in matters to say
There is a feeling so vibrant in the air
Everything feels so fresh per say
It's a start of another awesome day
Start of new dreams for that day
Morning time is such a pleasant time
You feel really good like sound of chime
The spark of that morning sun
Feel the fresh air and the fun
Today is a new start for you
Just like that pleasant dew
Morning is truly wonderful
Embrace it your way with smile
Wishing you a lovely morning!

Get up and smell

Get up to the lovely smell of coffee
Get up to this day so bright
Do what you want to do
Get ready with all your might
Morning is a special time
When you can decide
Of all the things that you want to do
A time so pleasant, a time so new
Good morning to you!
Have a lovely day!

Best time of the day

Mornings are the best time,
To forget things and move on,
Mornings just feel so good,
As its start of a new dawn,
Wish you a lovely morning and I will pray,
That you get everything you wish for today,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Have a great day!

It's A Brand New Day

Leave back all your worries and troubles of yesterday,
Make yourself a silent promise to make today a better day.
Now my dear friend, a brand new day lays ahead of you,
Face it with pride, because it is a gift and is totally new.
May all your goals and ambitions for the day be set,
I wish you have an amazing day and a night without regrets.
Good morning buddy. Have a grand day!

Morning light

When the first morning light, Comes to brighten the life,
There are many thoughts that ponder in mind,
There are many reasons to find,
Mornings give us the clue,
That everything is pleasant and new,
You just need to find a way,
You just need to do,
Wishing you a lovely morning,
A wish from me to you,
Good morning!