
I wish you have a bright morning,
With lots of good luck for the day
Wish you a lovely morning!
Have a nice day!

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Wake up Sunshine! Get ready to sparkle this day with your magnetic energy and optimism. Have a wonderful morning.

Your dreams and hope should be just like your nails and your hair. The more often they get cut, they more they grow. Have a good morning.

Morning is a new gift,
This brings in freshness of new excitement and surprises!
Mornings bring new cheer!
Wish you a lovely morning my dear!

Please welcome this new day with a smile on your face,
Make your most special place,
Have a lovely morning my dear
Spread around all the cheer!
Good morning!

The chirping birds,
The morning bell,
The clear blue skies,
New things to tell,
Morning is here!
Wish you a lovely morning!

The cruel alarm rings and you know it is morning already. But hey, look at it this way, God sings to you through the alarm to tell you how happy he is that you are alive. Good morning.

May happiness, peace and love follow you all day long through the morning light till night, so that you can go to bed at night thinking of what a wonderful day today was. Good morning to you my friend.