
Morning is a new gift,
This brings in freshness of new excitement and surprises!
Mornings bring new cheer!
Wish you a lovely morning my dear!

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The recipe of a perfect morning is the perfect coffee and the perfect breakfast. But it is still incomplete without wishing the most perfect person a good morning. Good morning to you!

Each morning reminds me of the wrong dreams I have been chasing all night long, because when I open my eyes I see you. You are like the best dream come true. Have a great morning.

May happiness, peace and love follow you all day long through the morning light till night, so that you can go to bed at night thinking of what a wonderful day today was. Good morning to you my friend.

Every morning when I wake up I thank God for keeping me alive. Then I thank him one more time for keeping you alive. And I thank him once again for keeping us alive with each other. Good morning to you my dearest one.

The chirping birds,
The morning bell,
The clear blue skies,
New things to tell,
Morning is here!
Wish you a lovely morning!

Your dreams and hope should be just like your nails and your hair. The more often they get cut, they more they grow. Have a good morning.

Knock, knock..
I am here with kisses and hugs,
To cheer you this morning,
Get up you sleepy head,
From your bed,
And embrace the new day!
Good morning!