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Hey always keep in mind..It may be a bad day..But it's surely not a bad life.
Love the life that you are living...and live the life that you truly love. #Life goals
Retire with loads of memories and not loads of money..Memories are more important.
To set an example be an influencer...and not an entrepreneur..You can inspire others.
Fall in love with someone whose pretty from inside and not from outside.
Don't make many friends in life...make some friends who are best friends in life.
I want to travel the world alone to explore my inner side..That is my life goal.
In life find happiness in the ordinary and not the luxury..You will stay much happier.
Make your parents proud by staying happy and not by stressing much..It will change life.
I want to build my own dreams and not my home...that will make me happy.
Life will always give you a second chance ...and that is called as tomorrow.
Your life choices depend on the way you do things choose wisely all the way.
It's not the milestones that count in your life..but it's the special moments which count.
Each new day will bring a new chance to change the way you look at things. #Think bright
Enjoy your life to the fullest...because you only live once...make the most of it. #yolo